Ref BA1

Murex Business Analyst
Evolutions and support on Murex tool for Forex in a Corporate

Ref BA2

Summit Business Analyst
In a large investment bank, set-up Summit features on wide range of financial instruments including securities and derivatives, in parallel with decommissioning obsolete application.

Ref PMO1

PMO office at 1 Great-Front BFI

PMO for transversal Global Market projects
Standardization project market platforms
-> Formalize / structure / quicker iteration for the successful completion of projects

Ref BA 3

Business Analyst for Dataware House project within a Finance Department
– Managing accountancy management reconciliation (IFRS)
-> Correction of anomalies
-> Integration of potential new products
– Management of the third repository
– Treat subjects as Risk and ALM:
-> Specify Basel 3 developments and Basel 2 ALM
-> Follow any phase of the project with sponsors